The Uk Lady Room
The Alimo Zone
Admin Room
Monkey Business
The Hall of Fame

"Thank you to our @ for the time, effort and support you put into our room'.

 ** Please see further information about admins at the bottom of this page. **

The following are funny poems I made up about the admins. (Except my poem, which the @ did between them :) ) They incorporate a little about their personalities and things they have said or done whilst in the room...Hopefully it will give you a small insight into the role they play in the room and show you how much fun they can all be.

@Uk_Lady used to be sweet,
But shortened her name to make it more neat,
I,m sure you’ll all agree that she’s still just as sweet,
Even though she has smelly feet. :O
She’ll be in her room, most of the time,
Swoooooning to Mr. Cohen lines.
In her ‘Secret Life’ she will not tell you...

She has a love for ‘Glowing blue socks’!
If she ‘throws her heels’ the house will rock,
So..Don’t wind her up, Cause YOU’LL take the blow!
Listen to us! Cause we all sure know!

 @admin like this are hard to find,
She’s the queen, join us and you’ll be just fine,
Keep it G rated, break rules? Don’t you dare!
She’s quick on the draw! A red dots in the air!

 She’ll get on her web cam, give us all a smile,
She’s loved **Mr. Jim.Carey** for quite a while,
She enjoys meeting you all, old friends and new,
As well as her admins, the whole complete crew.

Near the end of the night, Mr. Security she’ll ask..
To clear out the Happy House,Wow what a task!
Cause everyone’s partying and having some fun,
She’ll say “Call back tomorrow everyone”.
Man Of Steel brings her limo at the end of the night,
Drives her home, By which time it’s usually light!

While she sleeps, I wonder if she knows how much..
She’s respected and loved???
We all hope so!!! We all agree hun your one of the best!!!



@alimo…wow…what is he like!
His countdown to Christmas gave us a fright,
His jokes in the room make us all laugh,
How cool are his dance moves! Not at all naff!

 His love of latex is plain to see,
In red, black or yellow whichever it be
On Carrie Ann Moss he’d give it his vote
Oh well girls looks like we’re NOT getting OUR coats!

 You put on some music Kris doesn’t like,
He’ll say “Turn it off”! with all of his might,
But if happy birthday Marylyn sings,
The rest of the night goes off with a swing.

He plays ‘Crazyyyy Music, Though he says “It’s not”!
Blasts off my ears, then says, “You’ve lost the plot”!
“Sit down and Listen! Get back in this room!
Get your sound TURNED UP! You WILL SAY WOW TUNE”!

 He's a *CHEEKY MONKEY* it has to be said,
Doesn,t need the *APE* masks he puts over his head!
If he tells you *WHATEVER*! you better agree,
Or it's "I,ll kick your ass, Don,t you mess with me"!





 Our security guy is @man of steel,
You mess with him your in trouble for real,
He takes your fee as you walk through the door,
He’ll even escort you to the dance floor.

 He watches everything that’s going on,
Any wheelin and dealing he’s on to it all,
He prefers kissing females who have a 'must dash',
And loves nothing more than dealing with cash.

 He’s prone to a brandy lol just one or two,
He won’t light that candle now hey that won’t do!
He enjoys having a dance and singing with you,
Disco? karaoke? he’ll do it for you,

Paul gets on his cam, He gives us a Gwin!
He sure did his best, in order to win,
The *dancing on cam comp* Oh my what a night!!
He wiggled, he twirled, Near took off in *flight*!
He's *nuts about raisins*! He is a good sport!
But...Remember, Behave! Or You he will sort! :)

 He’s into a laugh which has him in tears,
Then out comes his potty and the Happy House clears!

TeeGee, Now ,what a great gal,
That’s when she’s not in the ‘SHOPPING MAL’,
A ‘fabulous @singer’ we have in our room,
When she sings it ‘always’ goes down with a boom.

But..TeeGee please clear something up for us all,
Are ‘chips…fries? chips? Or crisps?’ We are all enthralled,
To know.. What’s the difference? Or are they the same?
OH Wow! You’ve gone and muddled my brain!                                                          

This lady is *lovely* as you will all see,
She's kind, witty and funny, You have to agree!
She says "Hi to Y,all, ask how you are,
One day we,re going to hear her playing guitar!

We’ve heard Tee online now, play her guitar,
Oh Wow! In a short time She’s come really far,
But..Who calls her ‘Tuna’??
Whats that all about???
I’ll be adding some more here…
When I can find out! :)


@Bradley spends time in the happy house *jail*,
Where he does his best to plead for his bail,
We don't really know what it is he has done..
Except *windscreen wipers*?? have trouble to run?  

*Cor blimey* he'll say when he does his *roll call*,
In his cockney accent he'll welcome you all,
*Hey you*..*huh*..are you listening to me?
I'll be round soon with *cockles and muscles* they're free!  

He'll say be right back ..off up the *apples and pears*..
Comes back, gets on *cam* and says well u did dare..
Me to *wiggle and dance*, huh.. I got the flare..
To win the dance cam comp..beat me? Don't dare!  

He has his own *snookiewookiehoneycreampie*..
I wonder what that means? Im sure gonna try..
To find out.. and while I am on about this..
What;s *sugarboogabear*??  Hmm I need to speak to you sis.

Dave_UK, Wow, you 'know all the songs',
You'll 'name them', you'll 'date them', you 'correct' any wrongs,
We have fun when you get yourself up on your 'Cam',
When you ask, "Can you see me? Am I here? Yes I am"!
At the weekend you'll drink, just one or two,
Then it's 'Fall asleep' time on the keyboard for you!
We call you, We SHOUT you, We do ALL that we can,
But you carry on 'sleeping' Wow, what a man!


Usually we find that a person just *stands out* and we know that they would be a good @ This usually comes from them spending time in the room and us getting to know their ways and personality. From time to time we have @meetings to discuss people we may be interested in, if all the admins are happy to give a person a chance, either @alimo or myself will offer that person an @. Up to the current date we have 3 people interested should we need anymore admins in the future. **